While dignity is important, so it taking full advantage of the sun on the Bay Area Coastside. I have my work cut out for me teaching Pickwick the important things in life. Unfortunately he likes to take over any place that I used to call my own and try and make it his. I know patience. He will grow up sometime. |
It is hard to get time to myself now. But sometimes it happens and I take full advantage of it. |
I know when the cloaks are brought downstairs that the humans are going away for awhile. Not only are they taking away my favorite afternoon nap spot (all that yummy wool in the afternoon sun by an open window), but they are leaving me alone with the Pickwick. Oh well. At least they usually come back. |
I don't believe it! What was Pickwick thinking? Duh! He is a kitten and doesn't think. Somehow I'll survive this. |
Back to tummy sunning. When things get tough, take a nap in the sun. |