Jacquard Loom
Fashion Cards - Regency - Drape a Shawl
Crazy Quilt - Lincoln's Death

A bonus for visiting the textile option of the American History Museum was seeing up close and personal a Jacquard Loom. While I had seen these on TV and in books, actually seeing one in person is really special.

As always it is fascinating to see the colors created by different dyestuffs:

Unfortunately I could not get the picture of the tobacco dyed stuffs.

On the wall was this set of fashion cards which show how to drape a shawl - Regency Fashion.

This beautiful crazy quilt was done by sisters. It uses various fabrics and ribbons, including one commemorating Lincoln's death. The quilt is dated as 1883. Each section is embroidered in silk threads.

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Photos and text copyright Robin Berry & William Ringer 2004.