Robin doing needlework in Perry
Goldwork butterfly from the RSN class - in process
Robin/Sabrina in her German's
Will surveying his yard and crop of bearded iris
Pickwick with a puffball!
Pete and Pickwick + warm clean laundry. Will's arrows for SCA archery to the right.
Will's banner and melee at Erinwood. Will is on his knees at the right.
Will becomes Brion's Man at Arms
Rennaissance German needlework - patterns adapted by Robin from historic textiles
Robin's goldwork box showing a variety of historic goldwork techniques and patterns of couching.
Robin's patterned couched goldwork band (10" across on 40 count guaze) - chart from 1527 model book curtesy of Linn Skinner
Robin's Elizabethan pincushion - silk tent stitch and metal thread gobelin