We think we were born around June 2, 2010. We were strays at a manufacturing plant in the Silicon Valley. The brother found us. First Bandit and then a few days later, Pirate. The brother and wife brought us home for about a week. We were really hungry!
Then on Will's birthday, the brother said - "we have kitten, come meet him". A few days later that became "we have kittens, come meet them". On August 1 we met our new humans and we went home with them. We were glad to get to stay together.
August 2nd we got poked, pilled and our first shots. Pirate needed a bit of help getting rid of the worms. Finally he could get some nourishment.
Bandit at 2 lbs 6 oz and Pirate at 2 lbs 2 oz - 8 weeks old.
Pirate is the adventurous one. He was willing to meet the big guy (Pickwick) first.
When in doubt roll on your back and purr like crazy!
Learning my duties. Helping Will do his exercises.
Pirate getting tummy rubs. Hey where's mine!
AM Snooze time.
When in doubt bite brother's ear.
Afternoon snooze time.
Learning to become a cat - 3.5 months.
Hmm they nicknamed me the Love Bandit - I suppose I can live with that but don't tell anyone.
The tummy is hungry!
I like to trill and make funny sounds. Makes it hard to be dignified, but if I must....
Life is better shared!
What are you waking me up for!
4.5 months
I'm ready for my picture now!
Bandit's mottos:
When in doubt purr.
Always let brother go first.
A day is not complete without tummy rubs 3 or 4 times a day!
Pirate's mottos:
When in doubt pounce on it - especially brother. Everything is a toy.
The world ends when the food bowl is empty.
All rights reserved Robin Berry & Will Ringer 2010.