Day 1 - tiles are drawn and the fighters are assigned to a field. Then the fighters do a round robin fight with all those on their field. Points are awared - 1 point for an injury, 2 point for a double kill (not refought), 3 points for a win, -.5 points for uncivilrous acts, +1 point for especially civilrous acts. The fighter with the most points becomes captain of that field for Day 2. Melees may also be fought for fun.
Day 2 - a set number of fights are fought. Each captain decides who fights and with which weapon. Each fighter may be "used" until he/she has 2 deaths. Challenges alternate between field captains. Melees are also fought for fun and points.
Evening of each day brings wonderful feasts by the Feastfairies.
All rights reserved to photos, movies, and commentary Robin Berry 2007.